Dr. Hang Zhang studies a wide range of problems in perception, action, and cognition. The central question is: How does the brain represent and compute uncertainty in decision-making? She use psychophysics and computational modeling, and will integrate brain-imaging techniques, to seek an understanding from behavior, to computational algorithm, to neural basis.

Dr. Zhang received her Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics from Tsinghua University in 2002 and her PhD in cognitive psychology from the Institute of Psychology of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at New York University during 2008 and 2014. Since December 1, 2014, she is a Principal Investigator at IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at PKU, and also a PI at the Department of Psychology, Peking University.

More information about Dr. Hang Zhang, please visit her website:
