McGovern Institute Seminar Series

(Overseas scientist series)


Time: Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00pm

Venue: Room 1113, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University


Tentative Schedule for 2017 Fall Seminars

(for overseas scientists)


<span color:#0d0d0d;"="" date="" span="" b="" p="" td="" width="23%" align="left" bspan="" speaker="" institution="">Host

Sep. 12

Huda Akil

University of Michigan

Lin Lu

Sep. 26

Lisa D Nickerson

Harvard Medical School

Jiahong Gao

Oct. 10

Ole Jensen

Radbund Universiteit

Huan Luo

Oct. 24

Stephane Oliet

 The Academy of Europe

Yi Rao

Nov. 07

Jonathan Sweedler

University of Illinois

Yulong Li and Peng Zou

Nov. 21

Alan Sanfey

Radboud University

Xiaolin Zhou

Dec. 05

Kazuhisa Shibata

Nagoya University

Cong Yu

Dec. 19

Weifeng Xu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yong Zhang