经历:于2003年华东师范大学生物系获学士学位,2004-2009年华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院与约翰霍普金斯医学院神经外科系联合培养博士(导师:Yong-Di Zhou)。2010-2011年日本东京大学医学院生理研究室博士后(导师:Yasushi Miyashita)。2012-2014年,法国国家健康中心Neurospin实验室博士后(导师: Stanislas Dehaene)。
研究方向:Sequence Learning; Cross-modal Working Memory; Multisensory Integration
1、训练猴子学习各种触觉相关的Delayed Match-to-Sample 的工作记忆任务,并对猕猴进行在体细胞电生理活动记录。通过在动物大脑不同皮层(前额叶, 顶叶和初级触觉皮层)的神经电活动的采集, 研究动物在不同的工作行为条件下的神经脑电活动,特别是触觉工作记忆(Haptic Working Memory)和触觉抉择作出(Haptic Decision-making)的神经机理。 2、训练成人和学前儿童(4-6岁)学习具有不同复杂程度序列(视觉、触觉或听觉刺激),利用Eye-tracking、ERP和fMRI研究不同规则所对应的大脑神经表征。更为重要的,利用完全相同的行为学范式测试非人灵长类动物,以此比较人与猴之间大脑认知机制的不同,探索人类大脑从基本抽象规则(Abstract rule)到具有递归结构(Recursive structure)序列学习上与其他动物的相似和独特性,并最终探讨人类语言的大脑起源。
时间:2015年06月05日 星期五 13:00-15:00
地点: 北京大学王克帧楼1115室
The ability to extract deep structures from auditory sequences is a fundamental prerequisite of language acquisition. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging in untrained macaques and humans, we investigated the brain areas involved in representing two abstract properties of a series of tones: total number of items and tone-repetition pattern. Both species represented the number of tones in intraparietal and dorsal premotor areas, and the tone-repetition pattern in ventral prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. However, we observed a joint sensitivity to both parameters only in humans, within bilateral inferior frontal and superior temporal regions. In the left hemisphere, those sites coincided with areas involved in language processing. Thus, while some abstract properties of auditory sequences are available to non-human primates, a recently evolved circuit may endow humans with a unique ability for representing linguistic and non-linguistic sequences in an unified manner.