罗欢研究员2019年2月19日应邀出任国际著名杂志《eLife》编委 (Natue Index期刊)
罗欢研究员2019年8月应邀出任《Progress in Neurobiology》(5 year IF = 13.096) 编委
罗欢研究员2019年8月应邀出任《Progress in Neurobiology》副主编
罗欢研究员实验室作为世界上六个实验室之一(其他实验室来自美国的Harvard, Yale,英国的Birmingham,荷兰的 Donders Institute,和德国的 Max Planck Institute)参与国际意识的“打赌”项目,共同验证和比较GNW(全局工作空间理论)和IIT(整合信息理论)这两个世界上最为有影响力的关于意识的理论。
- 多物体视觉注意 (Journal of Neuroscience, 2014, 2015; PloS Biology, 2017a, Nature Communications, 2019; J Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020; Cerebral Cortex, in press)
- 序列记忆 (eLife, 2018, 2021; Progress in Neurobiology, 2021; Journal of Neuroscience, 2021)
我们发现当记忆一个序列时,在记忆保持阶段,脑活动呈现出了一种次序重演 (sequential replay)的模式,并且这种重演模式有两种有趣的时间特性(倒叙回放和时间压缩);此外,这种记忆倒叙回放模式和记忆中的 “近因效应”非常相关。
- 整体局部加工(PloS Biology, 2017b; J Vision, 2019)
我们发现大脑顶叶快速提取了噪声图片中的整体结构信息(global coherence),然后把这种整体结构信息沿着视觉背侧通路反向传回到初级视皮层对局部信息进行指导。
- Fan, Y., Wang, M., Fang, F., Ding, N.*, Luo, H.* (in press) 2-D Neural Geometry Underpins Hierarchical Organization of Sequence in Human Working Memory. Nature Human Behavior
- Tian, S., Cheng, Y., Luo, H.* (2024) Rhythm Facilitates Auditory Working Memory via Beta‑Band Encoding and Theta‑Band Maintenance. Neurosci. Bull. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12264-024-01289-w
- Huang, Q.*, Luo, H.* (2024) Shared structure facilitates working memory of multiple sequences. eLife; DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.93158.2
- Huang, Q.*, Luo, M., Mi, Y., Luo, H.* (2023) “Leader-follower” dynamic perturbation manipulates multi-item working memory in humans. eNeuron 0472-22.2023; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0472-22.2023
- Zhang, H.*, Luo, H.* (2023) Feature-specific reactivations of past information shift current neural encoding thereby mediating serial bias behaviors. PLoS Biology 21 (3), e3002056.
- Ren, X., Zhang, H.*, Luo, H.* (2022) Dynamic emergence of relational structure network in human brains. Progress in Neurobiology 219: 102373.
- Fan, Y., Luo, H.* (in press) Reactivating ordinal position information from auditory sequence memory in human brains. Cerebral Cortex.
- Luo, M., Zhang, H.*, Luo, H.* (2022) Cartesian coordinates scaffold stable spatial perception over time. Journal of Vision 22(8):13, 1–13.
- Jia, J., Fan, Y., Luo, H.* (2022) Alpha-Band Phase Modulates Bottom-up Feature Processing. Cerebral Cortex 2(6): 1260-1268.
- Li, J., Huang, Q., Han, Q., Mi, Y.*, Luo, H.* (2021) Temporally coherent perturbation of neural dynamics during retention alters human multi-item working memory. Progress in Neurobiology 201, 102023.
- Huang, Q., Zhang, H., Luo, H.* (2021) Sequence structure organizes items in varied latent states of working memory neural network. eLife 10, e67589.
- Fan, Y., Han, Q., Guo, S., Luo, H.* (2021) Distinct neural representations of content and ordinal structure in auditory sequence memory. Journal of Neuroscience 41(29): 6290-6303.
- Ren, X., Luo, H.*, Zhang, H.* (2021) Automatic and fast encoding of representational uncertainty underlies the distortion of relative frequency. Journal of Neuroscience 41(16): 3692-3706.
- Huang, Q., Luo, H.* (2020) Saliency-based rhythmic coordination of perceptual predictions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32(2): 2010-211.
- Mo, C., Lu, J., Wu, B., Jia, J., Luo, H. *, Fang, F * (2019) Competing rhythmic neural representations of orientations during concurrent attention to multiple orientation features. Nature Communications 10(1): 5264. (入选“2020年度中国神经科学重大进展”)
- Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Zou, J., Luo, H.*, Ding, N*, (2019) Prior knowledge guides speech segregation in human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex 29(4):1561-1571.
- Jia, J., Fang, F. *, Luo, H. * (2019) Selective spatial attention involves two alpha-band components associated with distinct spatiotemporal and functional characteristics. NeuroImage 199: 228-236.
- Liu, L.*, Luo, H.* (2019) Behavioral oscillation in global/local processing: Global alpha oscillations mediate global precedence effect. Journal of Vision 19(5):12.
- Han, Q.*, Luo, H.* (2019) Visual crowding involves delayed frontoparietal response and enhanced top-down modulation. European Journal of Neuroscience.
- Huang, Q.*, Jia, J., Han, Q., Luo, H.* (2018) Fast-backward replay of sequentially memorized items in humans. eLife 7: e35164.
- Liu, L.*, Wang, F., Zhou, K., Ding, N., Luo, H.* (2017) Perceptual integration rapidly activates dorsal visual pathway to guide local processing in early visual areas. PLoS Biology 15(11): e2003646.
- Jia, J., Liu, L., Fang, F., Luo, H.* (2017) Sequential sampling of visual objects during sustained attention. PLoS Biology 15(6): e2001903. (Highlighted by Primer in PLoS Biology).
- Song, K.*, Luo, H.* (2017) Temporal organization of sound information in auditory memory. Frontiers in Psychology 8:999.
- Huang Y, Chen L, Luo, H.* (2015) Behavioral oscillation in priming: competing perceptual predictions conveyed in alternating theta-band rhythms. Journal of Neuroscience 35(6): 2830-2837.
- Song, K., Meng, M., Chen, L., Zhou, K.*, Luo, H.* (2014) Behavioral oscillations in attention: rhythmic alpha pulses mediated through theta band. Journal of Neuroscience 34(14): 4837-4844.
- Luo, H.*, Tian, X., Zhou, K., Song, K., Poeppel, D. (2013) Neural response phase tracks how listeners learn new acoustic representations. Current Biology 23(11): 968-974.
- Luo, H.*, Liu, Z., Poeppel, D.* (2010) Auditory cortex tracks both auditory and visual stimulus dynamics using low-frequency neuronal phase modulation. PLoS Biology 8(8).
- Luo, H.*, Wang, Y., Poeppel, D., Simon, J.Z. (2007) Concurrent encoding of frequency and amplitude modulation in human auditory cortex: an encoding transition. Journal of Neurophysiology 98: 2473-3485.
- Luo, H.*, Boemio, A., Gordon, M., Poeppel, D. (2007) Perception of FM sweeps by Chinese and English listeners. Hearing Research 224: 75-83.
- Luo, H., Poeppel, D. (2007) Phase patterns of neuronal responses reliably discriminate speech in human auditory cortex. Neuron 54(6): 1001-1010.
- Luo, H.*, Wang, Y., Poeppel, D., Simon, J.Z. (2006) Concurrent encoding of frequency and amplitude modulation in human auditory cortex: MEG evidence. Journal of Neurophysiology 96(5): 712-723.
- Luo, H.*, Husain, F., Horwitz, B., Poeppel, D. (2005) Discrimination and categorization of speech and non-speech sounds in an MEG delayed-match-to-sample study. NeuroImage 28(1): 59-71.