SpeakerMisha B. AHERNS,Senior Group Leader,Janelia Research Campus,Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Title: Flexible computation in brain-wide zebrafish circuits

Time: 11月3日(周五)10:00-12:00

Venue: 金光101报告厅

Host: 李毓龙 教授


Brain function relies on communication across large networks of neurons across the brain. These networks sense the world, accumulate information over time, store memories, and trigger decisions and actions, all in a way that depends on an animal's past experience and current internal mental and physiological state. The distributed nature of these computations –across the brain, and across spatial scales, from large networks to molecules– makes it challenging to understand this system. We build tools for addressing this question for larval zebrafish, a small and optically accessible vertebrate animal with a rich repertoire of flexible behaviors even at a young age. In this talk I will discuss strategies for imaging activity in neurons and glial cells across the entire brain, and for analyzing the resulting large datasets using computational techniques. I will then discuss how we used these methods for building an understanding of flexible sensory integration and motor preparation, how these processes depend on astrocyte-driven internal states, and how pre-exposure to fast-acting antidepressant drugs like ketamine can change them. I will also give an overview of how the data generated by these experimental techniques can benefit from analysis and modeling approaches rooted in statistics and machine learning.