Peng Zou's Lab: Mapping spatial transcriptome with light-activated proximity-dependent RNA labeling
RNA molecules are highly compartmentalized in eukaryotic cells, with their localizations intimately linked to their functions. Despite the importance of RNA targeting, our current knowledge of the spatial organization of the transcriptome has been limited by a lack of analytical tools. In this study, we develop a chemical biology approach to label RNAs in live cells with high spatial specificity. Our method, called CAP-seq, capitalizes on light-activated, proximity-dependent photo-oxidation of RNA nucleobases, which could be subsequently enriched via affinity purification and identified by high-throughput sequencing. Using this technique, we investigate the local transcriptomes that are proximal to various subcellular compartments, including the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. We discover that messenger RNAs encoding for ribosomal proteins and oxidative phosphorylation pathway proteins are highly enriched at the outer mitochondrial membrane. Due to its specificity and ease of use, CAP-seq is a generally applicable technique to investigate the spatial transcriptome in many biological systems.
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