Dr. Wanze Xie: EEG functional connectivity analysis in the source space



There is a growing interest in using electroencephalography (EEG) and source modeling to investigate functional interactions among cortical processes, particularly when dealing with pediatric populations. This paper introduces two pipelines that have been recently used to conduct EEG FC analysis in the cortical source space. The analytic streams of these pipelines can be summarized into the following steps: 1) cortical source reconstruction of high-density EEG data using realistic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) models created with age-appropriate MRI templates; 2) segmentation of reconstructed source activities into brain regions of interest; and 3) estimation of FC in age-related frequency bands using robust EEG FC measures, such as weighted phase lag index and orthogonalized power envelope correlation. In this paper we demonstrate the two pipelines with resting-state EEG data collected from children at 12 and 36 months of age. We also discuss the advantages and limitations of the methods/techniques integrated into the pipelines. Given there is a need in the research community for open-access analytic toolkits that can be used for pediatric EEG data, programs and codes used for the current analysis are made available to the public.

Original link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2022.101119