The finding of Dai Zhang’s group suggest a vital role of P-Rex1 signaling in CA1 LTD that is critical for social behavior and cognitive function and offer new insight into the etiology of ASDs.
A new study of Lin Lu’s group indicated that persistent neurobiological changes that occur after 8 weeks of clozapine treatment may contribute to the vulnerability to recurrence and efficacy of long-t...
Cong Yu’s group used staircase methods that varied the direction difference trial by trial in motion direction learning study. They suspect that multiple sessions of practice with a single direction d...
The new research findings of Liang Li’s group support the hypothesis that the need to engage attentional mechanisms in aid of scene analysis increases as the similarity (both acoustic and informationa...
The study of Xiaolin Zhou’s lab investigated how the reader processes the rhythmic pattern and word order information by recording the reader’s eye-movements.
Sheng Li’s lab trained human subjects on a visual motion detection task and subliminally delivered a monetary reward for correct response. Findings suggest that reward signal plays an important modula...
Xiaolin Zhou’s lab investigated how a comprehender resolves referential ambiguity by using information concerning the social status of communicators. Findings highlight the neurocognitive flexibility ...
Xiaolin Zhou’s lab adopted an interpersonal competitive game which consisted of two phases. The results showed that apology from the offender not only reduces the victim’s propensity to react aggressi...
Xiaolin Zhou’s lab investigatect individuals' perced how individual differences in preference for these norms affeption of others' as well as the selection of their own reciprocal behaviors. Findings ...
Study from Xiaolin Zhou's group investigated the effect of reward expectation and spatial orientation on the processing of emotional facial expressions, using a spatial cue–target paradigm. ​Findings ...