A study from Sheng Li’s lab combined behavioral and electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements and investigated the mechanisms of the information integration between different spatial frequency bands in ...
A study in Zhou’s lab revealed an interaction between value and perceptual salience in the allocation of attention.Previous researchers argued for a combined force of value and perceptual salience in ...
The study from Xiaolin Zhou's group addressed the ongoing debates regarding the extent to which information from one modality dominates or interferes with the processing of information from another mo...
Liang Li’s group has studied why spatial separation between the target-speech source and masking-speech sources is still able to improve recognition of the target speech under reverberant conditions, ...
Kewei Wang’s group identified defined region in transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 4 (TRPV4) that plays critical role in channel protein folding, maturation and channel function.
Fang Fang’s group has combined psychophysics and event related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the effect of perceptual learning on face gender discrimination and probe the neural correlates of the l...
Fang Fang’s group measured the attentional effect of the bottom-up saliency map of natural images.
Fang Fang’s group used the double-rectangle cuing paradigm (J Exp Psychol Gen 123: 161–177, 1994) and the low-contrast rectangles which are presented very briefly to render them invisible to subjects.
Fang Fang’s group used the psychophysical adaptation paradigm to explore the predictive coding mechanism for human visual cortex by measuring the moderating effect of perceptual grouping for high-leve...
A study from Fang Fang’s group challenges the dominant view that the allocation of bottom-up attention (i.e., saliency map) is generated in the fronto-parietal attentional network.