Molecular Psychiatry | Prof.  Yun Wang: Deficiency of FRMD5 results in neurodevelopmental dysfunction and autistic-like behavior in mice
Sleep Medicine Reviews | Prof. Lin Lu: ReviewsThese findings should aid clinicians in matching risk/benefits of drugs available in their countries to insomnia symptoms.
eLife | Prof. Yi Rao: Suggestion of creatine as a new neurotransmitter by approaches ranging from chemical analysis and biochemistry to electrophysiology
eLife | Prof. Yi Rao: Conditional Chemoconnectomics: A Set of Libraries Targeting All Chemical Transmission Corresponding Genes Efficiently.
Advanced Functional Materials︱Dr. Jing Yang: AIENP-Reinforced DISCO Method for Whole-Tissue 3D Reconstruction of Pulmonary Capillaries,In this study, an AIENP-reinforced DISCO method, for whole-tissue...
Nature Communications | Dr. Peng Zou: Immunoproximity biotinylation reveals the axon initial segment proteome. The artial shows that SCRIB is highly enriched in the AIS both in vitro and in vivo, and ...
Nature Methods ︱Prof. Yulong Li: Improved green and red GRAB sensors for monitoring dopaminergic activity in vivo.These sensors have high sensitivity, selectivity and signal-to-noise ratio with subsec...
Nature Communications | Dr. Peng Zou: Profiling stress-triggered RNA condensation with photocatalytic proximity labeling. They apply a proximity-dependent RNA labeling method, CAP-seq, to comprehensiv...
Science Advances | Dr. Peng Zou: Bright and sensitive red voltage indicators for imaging action potentials in brain slices and pancreatic islets. The artical reports a pair of red-shifted opsin-based ...
Nature Communications︱Dr. Peng Zou: Spatially resolved mapping of proteome turnover dynamics with subcellular precision.The artical reveals a highly heterogeneous distribution in protein turnover dyna...