elife | Prof. Fang Fang: Non-feature-specific elevated responses and feature-specific backward replay in human brain induced by visual sequence exposure
nature computational science | Dr. Hang Zhang:The motive cocktail in altruistic behaviors
Cell Reports | Prof. Yun Wang:The chromodomain protein CDYL confers forebrain identity to human cortical organoids by inhibiting neuronatin
eLife︱Dr. Jian Li:Dissociable memory modulation mechanisms facilitate fear amnesia at different timescales
Nature Communications | Prof. Shiming Tang: Large-scale calcium imaging reveals a systematic V4 map for encoding natural scenes
Neuroscience Bulletin | Dr. Huang Luo: Rhythm Facilitates Auditory Working Memory via Beta-Band Encoding and Theta-Band Maintenance.
Neuroscience Bulletin | Prof. Yun Wang: Modulating the Pronociceptive Effect of Sleep Deprivation: A Possible Role for Cholinergic Neurons in the Medial Habenula
Cerebral Cortex  | Dr. Li Yi : Enhanced neural synchronization during social communications between dyads with high autistic traits
Science Advances | Dr. Zhuo Huang: Termination of convulsion seizures by destabilizing and perturbing seizure memory engrams. Their findings reveal a causal link between seizure memory engrams and se...
Fundamental Research ︱Dr. Jing Yang:Skin neuropathy and immunomodulation in diseases. The artical summarizes the neuroimmune interactions between neuropathic events and skin immunity.