Advanced Materials ︱Dr. Jing Yang:Far-Red Aggregation-Induced Emission Hydrogel-Reinforced Tissue Clearing for 3D Vasculature Imaging of Whole Lung and Whole Tumor
eBioMedicine ︱Prof. Weihua Yue: Contribution of copy number variants on antipsychotic treatment response in Han Chinese patients with schizophrenia
Journal of Neuroscience | Dr. Sheng Li: Complexity Matters: Normalization to Prototypical Viewpoint Induces Memory Distortion along the Vertical Axis of Scenes
Advanced Science | Dr. Zheng Wang: State-specific Regulation of Electrical Stimulation in the Intralaminar Thalamus of Macaque Monkeys: Network and Transcriptional Insights into Arousal
eLife | Dr. Huan Luo: hared structure facilitates working memory of multiple sequences
Cerebral Cortex  | Dr. Li Yi : Enhanced neural synchronization during social communications between dyads with high autistic traits
Nature Communications | Dr. Chenling Miao: Multiplexed representation of others in the hippocampal CA1 subfield of female mice
Science Advances | Dr. Zhuo Huang: Termination of convulsion seizures by destabilizing and perturbing seizure memory engrams. Their findings reveal a causal link between seizure memory engrams and se...
Fundamental Research ︱Dr. Jing Yang:Skin neuropathy and immunomodulation in diseases. The artical summarizes the neuroimmune interactions between neuropathic events and skin immunity.
Cell Research | Dr. Jing Yang:Multiple cancer cell types release LIF and Gal3 to hijack neural signals.They report an overlapping pattern of brain responses, including that in the paraventricular nucl...